Reduce Costs, Increase
Productivity,and More


Untreated ADHD equals 22 days of lost productivity each year

Considering that 10% of your employees likely have ADHD, the lost productivity quickly adds up to hurt your bottom line.

We offer a unique Voluntary Benefit that reduces employee out-of-pocket costs, without increasing employer costs, and improves employee productivity and retention.

The cost of replacing a worker who has left is

33% of their annual salary

Employees who can access continuous treatment for ADHD feel cared for and, therefore, stay longer. They are more focused, productive, and better able to achieve goals and objectives.

More productive employees + less time spent recruiting and onboarding = positive impacts on your bottom line

Better access to treatment means
more healthier, productive employees

With a comprehensive online assessment and a national network of licensed ADHD experts, ADHD Online has reduced the time from assessment to treatment, all while offering services at a fraction of the cost of the traditional approach.


Employees will spend less money for the first 12 months of care

ADHD Online: $1,054

Traditional process:
$3200 for adults,
$4800 for children


Faster access
to treatment
and care

ADHD Online: 7 days

in-person process:
8 months

Add ADHD Online to your
Voluntary Employee Benefit Program

Reduce costs with increased productivity and streamlined access to continual
care by adding ADHD Online as a component of your employee benefits package.

Send us an email to schedule a consultation to see how we can help you.