Help for Students

Flexible and accessible mental health services for all students

We are proud to work with administrators, university clinics, college success offices, and counselors to bring our secure and comprehensive online mental health evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment to college students nationwide.

Why partner with Mentavi Health?

Why partner with Mentavi Health?

We can help you remove barriers to specialist-based treatment for your students in a cost-effective manner with better access to preventive mental health care services. You can decrease claims for mental health treatment, ensure total wellness for your students, and increase retention and success.

Who do we partner with?

We partner best with colleges and universities that:

• Recognize the value of timely, effective care for mental health needs

• Prioritize delivering effective mental health care while managing costs and achieving desired outcomes

• Value engaged, attentive, and efficient students

Partnering with us:

When you make us part of your education support team, you, your students, and their parents/guardians can count on:


Send us an email to schedule a consultation to see how we can help you.